Peer-reviewed Articles
ALCANTARA, Christopher, BRIE, Evelyne, NELLES, Jen and SPICER, Zachary, “Indigenous-Municipal Intergovernmental Agreements: Policy Convergence by Region, Distance, or Cultural Similarity?”, State and Local Government Review (conditionally accepted).
BODET, Marc André, LAFLAMME, Lydia, BRIE, Evelyne and OUELLET, Catherine, “Exit polls in Canada: A Methodological Note”, Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue Canadienne de Science Politique, forthcoming.
BRIE, Evelyne and DAOUST, Jean-François, “Linguistic cleavages in Canadian political science: Evidence from the annual meeting”, Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue Canadienne de Science Politique, 2024, 57(2): 452-465. doi:10.1017/S0008423924000222. Available here.
OUELLET, Catherine, BRIE, Evelyne and MONTIGNY, Éric, “Replicating Daoust et al. (2022): Taking Baselines into Account”, Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue Canadienne de Science Politique, 2024, published online: doi:10.1017/S0008423924000234. Available here.
BRIE, Evelyne and MATHIEU, Félix, “Ties Under Strain: Exploring the Social Divide between Canada's Two Solitudes”, Nations & Nationalism, 2024, published online: Available here.
BRIE, Evelyne, OUELLET, Catherine and BODET, Marc André and LAFLAMME, Lydia, "Linguistic Threat: Vote Choice, Linguistic Cues and Support for Official Bilingualism in Quebec", Nations & Nationalism, 2024, 30(4): 582-596. Available here.
THOMPSON-COLLART, Brian, BRIE, Evelyne and DUFRESNE, Yannick, “Can Latin American Voters See the Future? Citizen Forecasting in Argentina”, Revista Latinoamericana de Opinión Pública, 2024, 13. Available here.
BRIE, Evelyne, “Analyse des bulletins de vote rejetés et de l'effet du rally pour l'unité canadienne lors du référendum québécois de 1995”, Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue Canadienne de Science Politique, 2024. 57(1) : 215-227. doi:10.1017/S0008423923000677. Available here.
BRIE, Evelyne, HUO, Cynthia and ALCANTARA, Christopher, “Measuring Policy Diffusion in Federal Systems: The Case of Legalizing Cannabis in Canada under Time Constraints”, Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 2024. 54(2): 228-256. Available here.
BIBEAU-GAGNON, Alexis, BRIE, Evelyne, DUFRESNE, Yannick and GAGNÉ, Gilles, “Religiosity Matters: Assessing Competing Explanations of Support for Secularism in Quebec and Canada”, Politics and Religion, 2023. 16(4): 634-658. doi:10.1017/S1755048323000196. Available here.
BRIE, Evelyne and OUELLET, Catherine, “Exposure to English as a Determinant of Support for Quebec Independence in the 2018 Quebec Elections”, French Politics, 2020. 18, 238-252. Available here.
BRIE, Evelyne and DUFRESNE, Yannick, “Tones from a Narrowing Race: Polling and Online Political Communication during the 2014 Scottish Referendum Campaign”, British Journal of Political Science, 2020. 50(2): 497-509. doi:10.1017/S0007123417000606 Available here.
Articles Under review
All papers under review are available upon request—just send me an email at ebrie (at)
Titles modified for blind peer-review.
BRIE, Evelyne, CLOUTIER, Adrien, MATHIEU, Félix and DUFRESNE, Yannick, “Linguistic Prejudice between French and English Speakers in Canada” (under review)
BRIE, Evelyne and TEELE, Dawn Langan, “Evolving Political Landscapes: Gender and Progressive Voting in Quebec” (under review)
BRIE, Evelyne, “Inter-Group Contacts and Political Preferences: A Case Study of Reunified Germany” (under review)
DUFRESNE, Yannick, BIBEAU, Alexis, BRIE, Evelyne, CLOUTIER, Adrien and DROUIN, Jérémie, “National Symbolism in Quebec: Emblematic Determinants of Vote Choice” (under review)
BRIE, Evelyne and MATHIEU, Félix*. A Divided Country: Identities, Federalism and Regionalism in Canada. Quebec City: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2021. * alphabetic author ordering (English edition forthcoming)
Nominated for the CPSA Francophone Prize 2022
Book reviews and media coverage:
Un pays sans sentiment d'appartenance, Anne Legaré, Les Cahiers de lecture de L'Action nationale, vol. 17, no 1, 2022.
Compte rendu d’Un Pays Divisé, Djamila Mones, Politique et Sociétés, vol. 41, no 3, 2022.
"Comme un sentiment d’être incompris…", François Cardinal, La Presse, September 26th, 2021.
"Un pays divisé", Ludovic Dufour, Impact campus, September 3rd, 2021.
Book chapters
MATHIEU, Félix and BRIE, Evelyne, ''The Liberal Party of Canada: Still the Natural Governing Party?'', in Canadian Parties in Transition, Fifth Edition edited by Alain GAGNON and Brian Tanguay (forthcoming).
French version to be published at the Presses de l’Université du Québec (Politeia collection)
BRIE, Evelyne, "La migration internationale des normes constitutionnelles en matière de sécession: le cas de l'exigence de clarté au Royaume-Uni'', in La démocratie référendaire dans les États plurinationaux, edited by Patrick TAILLON and Amélie BINETTE, Quebec City: Presses de l'Université Laval, 2018.
PÉTRY, François, BIRCH, Lisa, BRIE, Evelyne and HASANBEGOVIC, Aldin, "Le gouvernement de Philippe Couillard tient-il ses promesses?", in L'état du Québec 2015, edited by Institut du Nouveau Monde, Montreal: Del Busso, 2015.
NGO Partnership - field experiment in Montreal
economic inequalities
This map presents the localisation of official green alleys in Montreal (in green) and of the city’s most socioeconomically disadvantaged blocks (in red, according to INSPQ data), showing little overlap
Field experiment with back alley transformations, in collaboration with the non-profit Vive la Ruelle in Montreal (2023-2024)
Green infrastructures such as green alleys are a creative way to fight urban heat islands while promoting community-level social ties. However, in the city of Montreal, such initiatives are predominantly found in upper-income boroughs. This project seeks to test the impact of randomly assigning back alley transformations in low-income neighbourhoods on residents’ level of social capital. The present survey studies the impact of city-approved back alley transformations organized by Vive la Ruelle, an accredited Montreal non-profit organization operating lane transformations. Rather than waiting for neighbours to file an application for services, Vive la Ruelle identifies areas of high social and economic deprivation and offers a lane transformation project to its neighbours, with the approval of city officials. Residents are mobilized in the conception and execution of the lane transformation plan. The non-profit team handles all the logistics needed to carry out the transformation: bringing paint, stencils, tree seedlings, flower beds, signage and counselors to help neighbours bring their project to life. The academic component of this project will consist in conducting an anonymized survey (i.e. for which we will not collect respondents’ name nor exact address) before and after the transformations conducted by the non-profit in the summer of 2023 and 2024. The non-profit aims to conduct around 30 back alley transformations during that timeframe. The final number of back alleys included in this study will depend on the number of transformations conducted by the non-profit.